Sponsorship of Adidas for Chelsea FC is coming to an end after mutual agreement.

If you thought that the sponsor company only pays the club to sponsor its games, you are in the wrong. This time, in order to break the deal, the club has to pay up a significant sum. Adidas is known to be one of the largest gear makers for athletes in Europe. The company had a sponsorship deal with Chelsea Football Club. The company had tied up and agreed to sponsor its games and sportswear as well. The pact is being ended about six years before the contract would have expired.
Adidas, the German based sports and athletic wear and Supplies Company, stated that the agreement with the club would end by June 30th 2017 instead of June 2023 which was the initial deal. The agreement is being ended to allow the club to start another agreement with another competitor brand. The rival company has not been named as yet, but it will probably be between Puma and Nike. Puma is also a German based athletic wear brand that usually takes up competitive deals with Adidas. Continue reading “Chelsea And Adidas End Sponsorship Deal”